Since its inception in October 2007 when the word was first coined, the idea of the movement has quickly been accepted as fact. The results speak for themselves.
The “! Method”
The “! Method” is developing as an on-going process – which is the method itself. Terms are being created to label aspects of the work, concepts and social situations by those who practice it. A ! dictionary is being compiled to serve as a guidepost for a common ground for communication.
1) Retro-futurists use a “past, present and future” structure to analyze situations and to build from. “Historic context” and learning “why” and “how” are vital to the process. Sometimes it is a matter of asking the right question to find an answer – right or wrong. Intriguism is the icon language of the Information Age – written, visual or otherwise.
2) Intriguists layer iconic ideas and images (similar or conflicting) for an intentional narrative meaning, both objective and subjective. Most artists have one subject matter in a single work. An Intriguist will typically have three or more direct meanings, without being “subliminal”, within a single work.
3) Intriguist art does not hide media. If it is a painting or photography (or both combined), one does not “get lost” in it. The work looks like what it is, like an advertising art format.
4) !ntriguists use modern techniques to further traditional media such as digital art being used as an extension of the conventional photographic/visual/graphic arts.
5) !ntriguists may use humor, satire, pathos, provocation, and shock – to evoke intrigue. !ntriguists are purveyors of “anti-censorship” of any kind and no subject is considered “off-limits”, including “bad taste”.
6) !ntriguists address the “needs” of artists and non-artists for challenge and inspiration, through education and entertainment. A viewer does not need to be “highly educated” to “get” what the !ntriguist artist is “getting at”.
7) !ntriguists understand the power of the group, the individual, and the idea. They use these concepts as an art form in conjunction to the media work they may do, for instance using “celebrity” as a way to bring attention to a social cause, while continuing to produce goods and services otherwise. They may use “outrageous” posturing for “show” while making strategic, well-planned stands toward serious, “legitimate” goals such as making money or social change.
8) !ntriguists do not break rules just for the sake of it. !ntriguists are not nihilists or anti-artists. They are also not Dadaists or Situationalists re-packaged. !ntriguists are more interested in the freedom to try something than to waste energy on “negativity” on what is not working in a given situation. !ntriguists see no need to “destroy”, just set aside, re-vamp, and risk moving forward. !ntriguists are not “searching” for anything. They practice “processes”.
9) !ntriguists do not pander to an audience. They invite audience in to participate in what they are doing. “Success” for an !ntriguist is not reliant on any outward social condition. “Success” is measured by one’s personal goals.
10) !ntriguists reflect on traditional political and religious conformity by examining fear, doubt, guilt and shame – the very essence of what “intrigue” means. !ntriguists not only question, they respond and act. !ntriguists are only interested in the “dark side” of human nature inasmuch as to understand and accept, and not promote fear, doubt, guilt or shame in any way.
11) !ntriguists know the tools: the traditional standards of composition, texture, light, contrast, depth, color theory, plus popular cultural references. However, !ntriguists are not concerned with social value scales. An !ntriguist would re-invent the wheel to see if it was possible and that agenda would be enough to satisfy their creative needs – is it possible?
12) !ntriguists are information junkies. The more you see, the more you learn. The more you learn, the more you see. Critical-thinking – thinking for one’s self and self-actualization -- is the first goal. Taking action is the second goal. Quality of life is the third goal.
The ! Company
!ntriguism is also a services and goods organization. The ! Services/Goods has included creating and publishing PDF books, magazines, and calendars, producing entertainment and educational videos, website design and maintenance, advertising, events and so much more.
Intriguism Moving Pictures
The film/video branch of Intriguism has developed into a multimedia entertainment and educational outlet, including applying the Intriguism methodology called, "Intrig-A-Vision" to products.

The Art Movement
There are dozens of social events Intriguists (Intrigants) attend such as gallery openings, poetry readings, parties, museums, classes, and tours of places of interest. Intriguists share information, resources and ideologies with each other and the world. Intriguists are everyone from young college students studying philosophy or literature (“The ! Generation”) to retirees who want to “stretch their curiosity” (“The Retro-retro-futurists”) and lots of other people inquisitive about what we are doing.
They often refer to themselves as “brothers” and “sisters” as a sign of personal humility, faith in positive results, and unity in the “spirit of creativity”, without being overtly metaphysical about the subject. The labels reminds us of the Great Artists who have gone before and how much they sacrificed so that we may learn by their example – good and bad. And…it happens to be memorable and fun.